Sterilyn With Innovative Formula

Terinspirasi dari sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia/sel darah putih dengan memproduksi asam hipoklorit (HOCL). Kami memproduksi asam hipoklorit di luar tubuh melalui teknologi jepang, dan menciptakan formula inovatif untuk melawan virus, bakteri dan mikroorganisme. Dengan formula bahan aktif tersebut, produk Sterilyn dapat memproduksi produk sanitizer yang aman tanpa mengandung alkohol tetapi 99,99% efektif membunuh kuman, virus dan jamur penyebab penyakit berdasarkan beberapa uji laboratorium dan bukti penelitian. Selain itu, produk kami bebas dari residu, tidak beracun sehingga aman bagi manusia, hewan maupun lingkungan, memiliki pH netral, sehingga aman untuk kulit Anda tanpa menyebabkan iritasi

Keunggulan Formula Kami



Infectious diseases affect billions of people worldwide each year. They are everywhere but we cannot see them without with the help of special tools, so they can infiltrate our bodies unnoticed, and nowadays the situation is getting more and more serious. Infectious diseases are caused by organisms - such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Viruses are smaller microorganisms that can only multiply within living host cells. He is able to mutate from one person to another. This is how infections with viruses are on basically the same can continue to evade the immune system. Some infectious diseases can be passed from one person to another. Some are transmitted through insect bites, or not animals can be contracted by ingesting contaminated food or water, or exposure to organisms in the atmosphere.

Infectious diseases do not only attack humans, but also animals that are commonly found in everyday life is no exception like farm animals and zoos. Pathogen transfer from animals to humans are called zoonoses. Widodo's research in 2008 showed that in the last 20 years there were 75% new human diseases caused by the transfer of pathogens from animals to humans. From Of the 1,415 pathogenic microorganisms in humans, 61.6% came from animals. The World Health Organization says there have been 310 cases in which more than 80 people have died from infectious disease that originally originated from pigs and then transmitted by mosquitoes and flies.

Unlike other antiseptics, Sterilyn products do not cause dermatitis side effects such as taste burning and redness in the injured skin area and does not irritate when used. With an innovative formula from Japan, Sterilyn products have a broad spectrum of antimicrobials effective for protecting wounds and skin from germs that cause infection. Not only wounds, Sterilyn as Antiseptic can also be used to treat canker sores, other skin diseases and even wounds diabetes mellitus. Sterilyn's anti-microbial effectiveness has also been proven in wound healing on the skin, including for difficult healing of wounds and skin diseases. In Japan, doctors use formula solutions This is for the treatment of gangrene due to diabetes mellitus and other surface wounds.

We create products with formulas that are safe for use by all family members, as Our innovative formula disinfectant is safer than (NaOCl) which is made from liquid bleach which is diluted. Our innovative formula with Hypochlorous Acid also penetrates bacterial cell membrane down to the cell nucleus, so that it is 2x more effective in killing disease-causing bacteria dangerous. Due to its high effectiveness and safety, innovative formulas with the active ingredient HOCl are gaining popularity used in various countries as an antiseptic and disinfectant, including in the recent handling of the corona virus pandemic, such as in the USA – has officially been included in the EPA list (US Environmental Protection Agency) as a disinfectant against SARS-CoV-2, in South Korea - used in hospitals as a disinfectant to prevent transmission of COVID-19 to staff health and patients, and in Vietnam - widely used in their sterilization chambers. Facts prove that countries are using HOCl as part of the procedure the handling of the corona virus outbreak has obtained very satisfactory results.

How Does Our Formula Works?

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HOCL Research Publications / Scientific Journals

We have collected various scientific research on HOCl and its benefits as an antiseptic, disinfectant, odorizer, and anti-aging. This research has been published in various well-known scientific articles and journals and can be accessed by the industrial world and the general public as education about the benefits of Hypochlorous Acid such as: